girls' generation (pretty much korea's hottest pop group) has dominated my life for the last few months. this story begins when i was given a girls' generation poster. my host-fam got super excited when i showed it to them and my host-dad took it and put it up in the hallway right underneath their family portrait. he then asks me which girl is my style and we all go around choosing our type. when it gets to host-mom's turn, she looks at it for a few seconds then turns around saying, "none for me."
every morning when i wake up and go into the hallway, i see this poster and it makes me laugh.
then, one weekend in seoul, i just happened to pass by seoul plaza in a taxi, when i noticed there was some huge ceremony/festival going on. i saw the olympics logo and jumped out of the cab! sure enough, it was some olympic ceremony. i was thinking to myself, "what if i get to see kim yuna?!" but it got kind of boring (too much korean) and i was thinking about leaving when i heard the glorious words "so nyeo si dae..." girls' generation was there!
next, kate picked up some jessica (the blonde one) socks for me. but they're like half the size of my foot. so i started wearing them as mittens instead. and what do you know, everyone starts commenting on my style.

i am a leader of korean fashion.
my dad come to korea for a few days. we spent the weekend up in seoul before coming down to jinju. here we are with the principal, vp, and a few of the other english teachers. i'm not sure how much he liked korea... haha
the jinju fire/new moon festival. this was ridiculous! they built this giant statue and then set it on fire!

just as it was starting to get warm, the very day that i bought a new basketball, this happened... that's the bruising from my sprained ankle. at least the weather sucks right now otherwise i'd be so tempted to go out and play.
it is a pretty comical situation though. since i sprained my right ankle, i now drive using my left leg with my right leg elevated on the passenger's seat. i'm surprisingly talented/comfortable with my left.
lastly, we are now in the 3rd week of school. it's been a blast! i'm still only teaching 8 hours plus 2 teachers' classes and possibly an English club once a week. the new students are really cute and their english ability might actually be better than the 2nd graders... only 4 more months now.. crazy! my principal told me that he wishes i could stay for another year.