So i guess this is the transition post. I have been home from NY for something like 3 weeks now. And though i might still talk about NY and my experience there i don't think i'll be dropping anymore "NY posts." But i must say, it is great to be home! to live and die in L.A.!
Back to the point of this entry...
I have found the theme verse for this period of my life. Every once in awhile some concept or theme will stick out and be something I want to work towards or learn how to do. Kind of like in the Pursuit of Happiness where Will Smith’s character is like, “I call this part of my life…” The current chapter of my life is title “Intimacy.” I want to know God deeper than I have ever before. The passage I have found is Psalm 139. I actually stumbled across this because Kyle’s bible was left open to it and he had even highlighted some of the verses. This passage talks about being intimate with the Lord and it opens with the psalmist stating, “O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.”
The verse that captured my attention, in particular, though was Psalm 139:23-24: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything in me that offend you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.”
I know that God knows me. He’s my creator, how could he not know everything about me. He’s been there my entire life. He was present in all my triumphs and all my defeats. Yet sometimes it’s easy for me to forget how well he really does indeed know me. I neglect how knowing me means being well-aware of all my flaws and all sins. Though I know, in spite of my failures (and I sure have had many), he wants to lift me up. It is not his desire for me to remain in my brokenness or to drift further away from him. He does not want me to be distanced from him, but instead is constantly trying to draw me in closer. He wants me to know him. But until I am able to let him into the depths of my heart, to allow him into the broken parts of my life and into the sin that keeps me away from him, I will forever be keeping him at bay.
I want to be intimate with the Lord, which is why I titled this chapter “intimacy.” For that to happen I must fully allow him into my life. I must be willing to have him expose the ugliest aspects of me. And then I need to be determined enough to stand up and deal with those issues instead of simply brushing them aside.
Therefore I say, search me O God, test me and know me. Show me where I need to change, that I may walk down the path of everlasting life.
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