i had such an amazing weekend. (err, 2 weekends ago. sorry, it took me some time to gather the pictures. pretty much none of the pics in this post are actually my own)
headed out for cheongju on friday. for dinner, kate made mac and cheese, and her host-mom provided pizza-toast and chicken... so good! no joke, one of the best meals i've eaten in korea. when kate suggested eating mac and cheese i almost cried. i didn't realize how much i had missed eating cheese and all things not rice.
then all the cheongjuites and seth and i got dressed up to go be classy at some english-speaking wine party. i'm not gonna lie, it was kinda awkward at times, but then again what about my time in korea hasn't been? the highlight was definitely the warm fuzzies (look it up). i lost. and was awarded -8 points for allegedly cheating.

we wedding crashed kate's principal's daughter's wedding the next morning. straight up, korean weddings are ridiculous. first of all, everyone arrived on time, if not early, which i was not expecting at all. half of the people went upstairs to where the ceremony would be, got their lunch tickets, and just went to the dinning hall (we later discovered there was a live feed of the ceremony on huge screens in the dinning hall). the bride is in some room, basically on display. so we go over and take pictures of her. we felt too awkward to actually take it with her, but yeah. the groom looked like he was in middle school. all the guests are out in the hallway with very few actually in the wedding hall. even after the wedding party goes in, most of the people still stayed out there. and they never stop talking. throughout the entire wedding people were just talking. it was such a shame. everything looked amazing. that would never fly in the US. anyway, some highlights of the ceremony: the bride and groom cut the wedding cake with a sword. and then as they were walking out, two official looking women party poppered them. it was definitely a happy ending. oh, and the entire ceremony lasted a whopping 30 min. in conclusion, if you get the opportunity to crash a korean wedding, do it!
cutting the cake with the sword. seriously..
we get home and we're exhausted. but kate's got these puzzles. her and her host-bros already finished the smaller 2 but the 500-piece one was still incomplete (i'd say it was at like 15% finished). so i tackle it. it's been years, maybe decades (maybe just 1) since i've done puzzles so this was so much fun. i didn't actually set out to finish it, i just wanted to put some of the cool things together. but one thing led to another. and somehow it was established that i couldn't take a nap until we finished. so there we were. sprawled out on the floor. being frustrated since all the cloud pieces, and ground pieces, look identical to each other. eventually we finish! success! it was probably my biggest accomplishment since coming to korea (even better then what would happen the day after). and then it's nap time cause playing with puzzles is tiring...
before i move on from cheongju, i gotta talk about banc shirts. i can't remember if i've talked about these or not. but they are sick! they are shirts with lego people on them. i feel in love the first moment i saw them. i have bought many many many of these. mostly for other people. some as gifts for when i get home. my favorite ones that i've seen are the batman and the park ji-seong. the park ji-seong has been hard to come by. i've been searching for a few months now. lucky us. we find some in cheongju.
sunday morning i head out for suwon to play in a volleyball tournament. the tourny is being hosted by some church and all proceeds are going to orphans in the middle east(?) and the homeless in korea. i really have no idea what it was for, i'm not gonna lie, i really went just because i heard the word volleyball. unfortunately, our team was the best. by far. we cruised straight to the title. one team had one really good player. that was the most exciting game by far. probably half of all the people there that day were watching us too. so the atmosphere was amazing. and they were mostly cheering for us. i mean, how could you not? we were the power rangers. all in all, i'd say it was fun coming out of my 5-month retirement to spike on fools again... well, i shouldn't say that. i kinda sucked. i'm definitely not what i used to be. i couldn't jump at all. one of the guys says to me, "you been setting too much lately? you forget how to hit?" yeah... it's back into retirement i go.. or at least until next may, when my school has a vball tournament which we must win! i have already guaranteed us a victory. and there's no reason why i will not be able to deliver on this. here, they play 9-man volleyball and they don't rotate. plus they might be playing on a girls net. there are two teachers here who seem to be decent at vball, so plus me, there's our frontline.
the tourny also had a prize for the best dressed team. we decided to be the power rangers. and of course we took home that award as well.
1 comment:
loved this post. :) except your ungodly long part about being so good at volleyball. i thought you'd left that behind by now. ;p
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