Monday, November 9, 2009

are you trying to bullfight me?

let's get ready to rumble! the national bullfighting tournament was on saturday. it was so ridiculous! here's a clip if you don't know what bullfighting would look like:

the bulls waiting their turn outside. they look so peaceful... except for the one standing up who looked like he wanted to eat us.

a when bulls become apathetic and lose interest with one another, the trainers essentially pull them together in such a way that i'm sure they become intimidated by each other and begin to fight again

all the bulls had their names written on their backs. the bad boy on the left had a dragon!

the baby bull that was up for the raffle!

we were praying for baby bull to just knock over all those people..

the winner of the baby bull.. not us. sucks. dunno what we would've done with a baby bull anyway though. actually, yes i do. we would have bartered up and eventually ended up with a wii or something. anyway, we also left early, so it was possible that our tickets were winners later. we like to think so. we gave our raffle tickets to a mother and her son who had shared their oranges with us. that'd be sweet if the kid won a bicycle. or that bag of rice...

i was wearing my best rodeo outfit in case my number was called and i had to go throw down.

at the jinyang lake. it was so gorgeous. hard to believe it's already november. we were so lucky to get such good weather. could you imagine the bulls fighting in rain? that would suck. could you imagine me being outside in the rain? naw man. we would've been indoors all weekend.

as much as i clown on my city, jinju's definitely got some sweet spots.

goodnight, fair city.

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