Thursday, August 28, 2008

californian asian

About halfway through the summer, the boys' room was getting kind of messy. And we kept talking about how we should vacuum it but we never did. So one night at dinner at a Senegalese restaurant, one of the girls from one of the church groups dared me to eat a fish eye. I'm like that's no big deal, i'll do it. But if i do you gotta vacuum my room. She's like sure. And i eat it. She never vacuums my room. But come on, like i was really gonna let her do that right? Uhh, sure. I actually try this stunt out again. And this boy seriously wanted to vacuum. He asked me like 3 different times but every time i was like it's alright, maybe another time. Until finally it was time for him to leave and then it was too late.

The church we stayed at had an indoor basketball gym. Naturally i spent a lot of time in there. Actually, that's not true. I should have spent a lot of time in there. But my ass is pretty lazy. Anyway, most of us hosts love basketball. In fact, when we introduce ourselves at orientation, we actually parade into the gym to bumpin music as if we were a legit basketball team. (we actually have a team name and warm-ups, but i'm not going into that here). All summer we tried to get youth groups to challenge us to games. But we were only able to muster up a handful. Finally, we get this one week, with some boys who begin trash talking there hosts saying all sorts of things. So it's finally game time. And we go out there and take out the trash basically. We handle it. Whoop on them. And send them downstairs to bed silent. Their youth pastor actually thanked me for beating them because they were getting out of hand with their trash talking haha.

So the next day they're begging us for a rematch. But i'm tired, and possibility sore from the night before, so i'm like no, i don't know about tonight. But aha! The brilliant plan comes to mind. I give them an offer. I'll play but if we win they have to clean my room, and then if they win i'd let them come up with whatever they wanted. They agree and i'm like sweet, i'm finally getting my room cleaned, especially since, you know, we whooped them the night before. But we lose some hosts, get some new ones, and in the end they catch on fire and go on something like a 5-2 run to win the game. I'm stunned.

I head to the showers to clean this game off of me. And soon a bunch of the boys from that church are in there talking about what they're gonna make me do. What follows was one of the funniest moments of my summer:

Boy 1: "Let's make him shave his legs or his head!"
Boy 2: "We can't shave his head, he's asian, they have nice hair."
Boy 3: "He's not asian, he's from california"
Everyone buy boy 3 starts laughing.
Boy 3: (to me) "Are you of asian decent?"
Me: "Naw, i'm californian"

Ridiculous. This brings back to mind other hilarious comments from this summer:

Mayonne: "I'm the sister you never knew you wanted"
Me: "I didn't know i wanted one of those"

This one's kind of bad... but i still find it hilarious, so forgive me...
As i'm walking through harlem with one of my groups, some guy we walk past exclaims, "Oh my god, it's snowing!"

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